Hearing loss has many different causes and manifestations. In some cases, it can be sudden, while in most cases, it is gradual. For some, it occurs in one ear, while in some cases, it impacts both ears. Fortunately, different forms of treatment can help mild as well as severe cases.
Types of Hearing loss

- Sensorineural hearing loss: As we age, we come across multiple health issues impacting our lives. One of the issues can be inner ear damage. It is a common issue, and most people suffering from sensorineural hearing loss opt for a comfortable hearing aid to carry on with their day-to-day routine.
- Central hearing loss: When the central nervous system cannot send a readable signal to the brain, the individual suffers from a central auditory processing disorder. This is a complicated condition because the patient can hear all sounds but is not in a position to separate or process them.
- Conductive hearing loss: When an individual is not able to get sounds through the outer or middle ear, it is categorized as conductive hearing loss. In many cases, louder sounds may be muffled, leading to a certain level of irritation. These are treated with surgery or medication.
- Mixed hearing loss: an individual might suffer from both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss leading to a mixed hearing loss.
Causes of Hearing Loss
- Damage to the inner ear: With age and extensive exposure to loud noise, there might be noticeable wear and tear on the nerve cells in the cochlea that are responsible for sending sound signals to the brain. If these nerve cells are damaged or missing, the transmission of electrical signals might not be effective, leading to hearing loss.

- The build-up of earwax: Earwax not only blocks the ear canal but also prevents the conduction of sound waves. This is a gradual process, but if you learn about the issue, get the ur ENT’s attention immediately.
- Ear infection: This is a common reason for hearing loss but does not cause long-term complications. However, if left untreated, it can lead to permanent damage.
Symptoms of Hearing Loss
If you pay attention to your hearing abilities, you’ll be in a position to tell whether you are losing them or not. However, learning about the symptoms will make it easy for you to get early treatment and enjoy listening without needing the help of anyone. Some of the symptoms of hearing loss are muffled speech and other sounds, needing to increase the volume of the mobile device or television, difficulty in understanding words with background noise, trouble hearing consonants, dejected withdrawal from conversations, and the need to ask others to speak slowly and clearly.
Treatment for Hearing Loss
- Wax removal: Earwax blockage does not damage your hearing permanently. It is a reversible cause and can be treated with ease. Consult your ENT doctor and get earwax removed.
- Surgical procedures: Once your ENT doctor analyses your hearing abilities, they might ask you to opt for surgery. Surgery is needed for Conductive or mixed types of hearing loss. In some cases, opting for a hearing aid might serve the purpose, depending on the severity of the condition.
- Hearing aids: When the Pure tone Audiometry reports indicate damage to the inner ear, HEARING AIDS is advised. If a hearing aid is a solution you need, start looking for hearing aid clinics around you and allow yourself to listen clearly once again. You can buy hearing aids online at your convenience as well.