Can ear infections cause hearing loss?
If you notice muffled or distorted sounds, you might be looking for a reason as to why. Ear infections could be a reason on the list. Ear infections causes hearing loss in some cases, but it is a temporary condition in most cases.
Ear infections develop over a period of time and often accompany a cold, flu, or respiratory infection. Swimmer’s ear is an example of an ear infection and can cause hearing loss. It is an infection in the outer ear canal, and individuals suffer from it when water remains in the ear even after one gets out of the swimming pool.
How long does hearing loss last after an ear infection?
When treated promptly, inner ear infections resolve in a couple of days or hurt one’s hearing abilities for a few weeks. However, the damage is not permanent. In rare cases, inner ear infections lead to permanent hearing loss.

If an ear infection is left untreated, it can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Inner Ear Infection Signs, Symptoms, & Treatments
There are three sections in our ears – outer, middle, and inner ear. These sections work together to help us hear without any trouble. The inner ear plays a vital role because it contains the cochlea that receives the signals and transforms the same into a message that eventually the brain analyses. Inner ear is responsible for our body balance. If you notice any issue with hearing and balance, you might be suffering from an inner ear infection.
Some signs of an inner ear infection include vertigo, having trouble while walking normally, dizziness, nausea, problems with hearing, feeling like the ear is blocked, headaches, fluids coming from your ear, or tinnitus.
Inner ear infections can be linked to various symptoms, depending on the infection and the impact it has created. Running nose and fever are common symptoms that can be a result of an inner ear infection.
Inner ear infections should not be taken lightly. If you feel any of the possible signs and symptoms of an inner ear infection, get in touch with your ENT doctor at the earliest. If they suggest that you should invest in a hearing aid, don’t delay the process. Get a hearing aid at the earliest and allow yourself to listen clearly once again. Hearing aids can do wonders for you, and with invisible hearing aids, no one will notice the device on your ear. So, there is no scope for embarrassment. In this case, you should know that you are working on your hearing abilities with the help of a hearing aid, and the intention is not to please others but oneself.
When we talk about the treatment for an inner ear infection, we know that hearing aids can do wonders, and the solution can be obtained.
However, we cannot deny that the medical line of treatment is the first choice in patients suffering from the issue. A middle ear infection is treated by medication and in some cases by surgery. ENT Doctor will symptomatically treat inner ear problems like in case of giddiness or vertigo or tinnitus by giving appropriate medication &. Exercises to control the problem & then refer to Audiologist for further management if needed.
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My son had hearing problem he is using hearing aid & he is only 5yrs so I m asking whether along the run he will be able to hear without hearing aid,