How to prevent hearing loss?
Hearing loss is one thing that affects our life directly. Even missing out on minor details during a conversation can lead to major communication gaps. This is one thing we do not want to see piling up on our list of problems. We have to agree on the fact that hearing loss needs to be corrected at the earliest. Fortunately, there is a solution, if you are suffering from hearing loss.
Before we look at hearing loss treatments, we need to understand the issue and the diagnosis process. We need to ask ourselves some questions.

How will hearing loss affect your life?
Untreated hearing loss leads to undesirable effects on quality of life. You might find yourself irritated, stressed, and angry. It can lead to social rejection and loneliness too. In many cases, it is seen that the impact of hearing loss leads to a negative impact on one’s work, family, memory, and even the development of a child’s mind.
How do I know if I’m losing hearing?
There are a few things to check if you want to know whether you are losing hearing or you are doing just fine.
- Physical examination: Let your doctor do the analysis and help you know the answer to the question.
- General screening tests: Whisper test is quite common, and it will help you understand your listening abilities. However, it’s accuracy has limitations. This test is now absolute.
- App-based hearing tests: With the advancement in technology, you can use a mobile application to determine whether you are having a hearing loss
If you find any hearing problems in any of the above tests or if you are missing out on conversations do consult an Audiologist and get a Pure Tone Audiometry test done. It is a test done by qualified Audiologist in a sound proof room and it gives an accurate picture of your hearing problems. It not only gives us idea about degree of hearing loss but also gives us information about the type of hearing loss.
Some of the common causes of Hearing loss & their treatments
1. Wax Removal: Wax blockage is a common cause of hearing loss, and ENT doctor is the best one to remove earwax.
2. Surgical procedures: After analyzing your hearing abilities, your ENT might ask you to opt for surgery. Some Conductive or mixed types of hearing loss need surgery or medication for correction. In some cases, Hearing aids is a good choice over surgery depending on the severity of the problem.
3. Hearing aids: When the Pure tone Audiometry reports indicate damage to the inner ear, HEARING AIDS are advised. If a hearing aid is a solution you need, start looking for hearing aid clinics around you and allow yourself to listen clearly once again. You can buy hearing aids online at your convenience as well.
Hearing loss is a serious issue that impacts the social & psychological behavior of a person and as home remedies can’t help in many cases, you know that there is a need for you to get help from an Audiologist in Mumbai or Goa, go ahead and connect with us before the problem gets out of their hands.